Saturday, September 02, 2006

new orleans

so i got my eagles-saints tickets in the mail today. the game is at new orleans on october 15th. the tickets were soaking wet when i took them out of the envelope. i guesss they're not fully over katrina yet. ZING!

in reality the tickets were wet because the package was sitting outside my front door all evening in the rain. however that rain was from the remnants of hurricane ernesto. that's kinda ironic.

if there are any eagles fans out there who wanna road trip with me to new orleans for the game, let me know. i have 4 tix.


Anonymous said...

Does this mean you're going to homecoming and then the following weekend going to New Orleans?

And I thought I did a lot of driving!

Anonymous said...

I would go but I will be in Cat Island, Bahamas. Aren't you lucky?!Hopefully, no hurricane there ether. Auntie Allyne