Sunday, September 24, 2006

4 hours

so we've all seen those commercials for viagra or cialis or whatever it is, and the part comes where they say if erection lasts 4 hours call your doctor. of course this line provides for approximately 475,273,409 jokes to be made about it, but i figured i'd chime in with my thoughts on such a situation.

to me the worst part would be about an hour in when your realize the problem, and you remember the 4 hours thing, and you know you have to wait another 3 hours before you can do anything. it must be funny at around the 3:45 mark. "okay i'm gonna give it 15 more minutes! if it's not better by then i'm driving to the hospital, i swear!"

but what if you can't wait that long and you go after a few hours. they'll probably ask you how long it's been and then you'd have to sit there in the waiting room - very awkwardly - until 4 hours hits.

those viagra commercials always creep me out anyway. the guy comes home and gives his wife this look, and she smiles and looks away all shy. they make it seem so happy and innocent but i'm just like, "i know why you guys are smiling, you're both gonna get some for the first time in a long while."

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