Sunday, July 16, 2006

what would you see?

what if someone made a room that had mirrors on the walls, ceiling, and floor. all mirrors everywhere you looked, you're totally surrounded. what would you see? i guess you would see just you, because everywhere you looked your line of sight would bounce all around the room and eventually back onto you. i'm trying to think what it would look like, but i really have no idea. i bet it would look really cool though.

now say for a second you were invisible and you were in this room. what would you see then? if it's all mirrors then what would they reflect? there would be nothing to have light bounce off of and onto the mirrors. in fact now that i think about it this room would be pretty dark, like pitch black, because if you put a light in it would just reflect that. hmm. what if you brought in a flashlight with you and waved it around. that would be awesome i think.

what about one-way mirrors? a portion of one wall could be a one-way mirror, and you could shine light through from the other side. does light go through a one-way mirror? that would be kinda weird, i mean, what would it look like from the mirror side? maybe that wouldn't work. if it did though, you wouldn't have to be invisible because you could just be in the room on the other side with the light and looking through the window. and the room would still be all mirrors. wow, what would you see?

EDIT: nicole found this helpful and interesting link: the last paragraph says that shining a light through from another room would not work. damn. something tells me i'm trying to play god here. god shmod, i want my mirror room!


Anonymous said...

I have this book light that has the light shine in the middle of the glass, sort of. I don't have it with me right now, otherwise I'd examine it. But, maybe you can do that with mirrors. Have a light that shines through the glass of the mirror between two panels of glass, without making it the dominant subject reflected in the mirrors. Or maybe you'll just have to settle on not having a mirror for the ceiling and instead a lightbulb that distributes light evenly throughout the room. I'm actually starting to think about this....

Anonymous said...

i was in a bathroom like that a few weeks ago. mirrors all around and such. kinda scary watching myself make poo in so many angles.
