Monday, July 31, 2006

south carolina

i got back yesterday from myrtle beach, south carolina. usually i don't post about my life because it's boring but this was pretty cool so why not.

south carolina was my 21st state i've been to, and that includes states i've only been to because of airplane stopovers. yes that counts. i'll argue this point to the death, even though i've found not many people agree with me. my goal is to go to all 50 states.

i thought new york bars were expensive. in myrtle beach the standard cover is 10 dollars. although that can be brought down to 8 with a handy coupon printed by a machine at the hotel. man am i cheap. when our waiter at pizza hut told us to go to this one place because you can pay one cover and get into 12 bars, we were very excited. but when we went we found out that by 12 he meant 3, and when he said that senor frog's was one of the 12, he actually meant it wasn't.

one day we went to a beach with all black people. literally everyone around us was black. i thought about it and realized that this must be what it's like for a lot of black people who are always surrounded by white people. it made me think about race in a different way after being in a situation like that.

all south carolina liquor stores close at 7pm every day. that really sucks. and in one place, they took a picture of me because i was under 25. weird.

oh and i also almost got arrested on the drive down and one night i got thrown to the ground by a bouncer. i can cross those things off my life to do list i guess. and the one night i did 14 shots in an hour, my new personal best. that was the bouncer night.

i wonder what the most shots anyone's taken in a night is. freshman year at school i watched my RA take about 35 shots of vodka, and he claimed he did 50 that night. he was kinda large though so i guess it could've been true.

and oh yeah, i got a job too. what a relief that is, and finally i won't be so piss poor.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know if you noticed, but they're also not allowed to have bottles of liquor at the bars in SC. They have to use the tiny airplane bottles, which costs the bars more, which is why most have covers.

Just an FYI. Oh, and speaking of black people and beaches, every year after my alma mater graduates, all the graduates and their friends go to Myrtle Beach. This usually falls on Black Biker Week.

It's like nothing you've ever seen before in your life.