Thursday, February 22, 2007

a funny story

i'm bored at work right now so i figured i'd write a blog. this one's just a story though, no deep insight today, sorry. my last post about what a great driver i am elicited a few responses saying i should tell people that i did, in fact, drive into my own house. sadly, yes, this did happen.

i actually like telling this story. i was kinda embarrassed by it at first, but then freshman year at college in writing 105 on the first day we were introducing ourselves to the class and all. and this one kid, clark tomlinson, huge weirdo, says we should all have to tell a story about our most embarrassing moment. of course we all look at him like shut the hell up, but the stories actually turned out to be funny. well, mine was, at least, i don't remember anyone else's.

anyway, i had only had my permit for like 6 weeks when i was driving home from a driver's ed class with my mom one night. i pull into the driveway, all is well. i pull into the garage, everything's cool. as i pull in, i take my foot off the brake for a second and get ready to come to a stop. but instead of coming back down on the brake, i go full throttle on the gas, WHAM! right into the garage wall. i smashed a bookcase which was in front of the wall, but i didn't think it was that bad.

as i slowly back out, the wall starts to crumble piece by piece from where i hit it. it creeps up the wall until the whole thing starts to collapse. before we know it the roof above us is cracking up. apparently that was a load bearing wall. stuff starts to fall on the car so i back out of the garage real quick and we sit and watch as the whole roof crashes onto the garage floor, followed by all the furniture from my room, which was right above the garage. we get out of the car, but of course there was nothing we could do. things just kept falling until finally the whole house had fallen in on itself. we had to stay in a shelter for the next 3 months until we bought a new house.

okay that last paragraph was entirely false. there was a huge whole in the wall though, into the laundry room, which we had to walk through for the next 2 months because the door frame had been bent out of shape and the door wouldn't open. man i felt like a moron. i knocked off the washer and dryer from their connections. but what we did actually was we ended up knocking the whole wall down and expanding the laundry room by a few feet. so this story had a good ending after all.


Anonymous said...

Clark Tomlinson. That kid was a strange one. Remember that dreadful tennis story he wrote? And thank goodness for Facebook, otherwise we would've lost track of him completely.

I have no clue what story I told that day. I probably either made it up or hid behind someone so I wouldn't have to tell it.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's a Stephanie Tanner/Full House story right there...except she was like, 6 and you were like, 16.

Anonymous said...

it will always be one of my favorites to tell people. i still love you tho!