Saturday, January 27, 2007


as you may or may not know, i'm pretty much the greatest driver alive right now. so on my daily commute, i'm usually free to do other things with my time than focus on driving. texting is basically the most dangerous thing you can do in a car, i think. it's about 5 times more dangerous than actually talking on the phone while driving. instead of cracking down on that i think cops should find a way to police texting-and-driving. i guarantee a lot of accidents out there are being caused by this. i hear the cell phone law is coming to PA actually, but not for a while. meanwhile, any day now it will become law in PA to have your lights on if your wipers are on. good thing they focus on the important things.

on a side note, i really hate when people keep their lights on during the day. i drive to work between 3 and 4pm, i can't tell you how many people have their lights on. it's broad daylight! i just don't get it. if you're so blind that you can't see other cars on the road in the daytime unless they have their lights on, then you shouldn't be allowed to drive, let alone leave your house. sometimes though, i feel pressure to turn my lights on when it does start to get kinda dark out. i'll start looking for other cars without their lights on. and when i find one, it justifies my decision to hold out. "see? he doesn't have his on either. i'm not the only one!" also, i bet all these losers with their lights on are much more likely to leave them on by accident when they park and get out, because it's already daylight out, so you can't really see your lights shining against whatever's in front of you. good riddance, i say.

one other time i ate a whole angus burger and fries from burger king while doing 60 without getting any food on myself. if you don't think this is impressive, get an angus burger, you'll see. i probably even texted someone to tell them i was doing it.

anyway, onto my original point. my driving awesomeness allowed me to think up this idea:

i hate when you are waiting behind a few cars, and you're all waiting to turn onto a bigger road. each person goes one by one when they have enough time. but the thing is, nobody knows if they have enough time to pull out until they get to the front of the line. so, what i've been trying to do lately is, if i'm first in line and i have plenty of time to go, and there is also enough time for the person behind me to go, i give them a hand signal out the window as i turn, much like a thank you wave. this signals to them that there is enough time for them to turn as well, instead of them driving to the edge, stopping, looking both ways, then going. think of the time we could save! i have actually been doing this off and on for a few years now, i have yet to see it catch on anywhere, but it'll take time, for sure.

it probably seems far-fetched, but all great ideas do when they are first introduced. this one would work. i just think it would be awesome to be driving around with my grandson in 60 years while texting and eating a burger with my lights off at midnight, and he asks me why do people wave like that, and i say, "yeah that was me, i started that." so basically, once this becomes the norm, don't claim to have invented it. it's mine.


Anonymous said...

some cars have automatic lights. like subarus. so even if it's 10am their lights are on cause they have no choice. also i think the wiper/lights rule is awesome. if you need your wipers on then it's probly raining and if it's raining then you def need your lights on! duh.

Anonymous said...

already you're getting many comments for this post. i'd like to say first, that your wave idea is terrible. Think about how many stupid people there are in the world. You'd be putting your life in the hands of a complete stranger. I would never blindly follow such a wave.

Secondly, I agree that texting is incredibly dangerous. Some people are such good texters that they can do it without looking at all, but I haven't even come close to that level. One time I was texting while driving and I almost got into an accident with the person I was texting. Not really, but that would be a great story.

Unknown said...

I think it can be done. When I was in the Australian Outback, everyone would wave to each other while driving just to say hello. I doubt these people knew each other because I tried it too and they waved at me. It was such a nice feeling. I tried to bring this back to the U.S. and A. but it was not welcomed with open arms as I think one person waved back and one person actually gave me the finger. If you keep at it and spread the word it can be done. I have faith.

Anonymous said...

so awesome driver---how bout driving into the house, literally?! As far as the hand wave, think of all the fun that punks would have just making it across the intersection and waving someone on so they hit that oncoming car.

Unknown said...

I think you owe it to your readers to state that you did drive into your own house.