Saturday, August 19, 2006

motorcycles and ezpass

i was playing grand theft auto the other day, and a thought came to me. do motorcycles have radios? seems like it would be really hard to hear anything while driving even remotely fast. and it would be very distracting to change the dials and all.

expanding this thought, motorcycles probably don't have a lot of stuff you'd find in a normal car. CD players, tape decks, heat, AC, glove compartments... how inconvenient.

i wonder if you can get ezpass for a motorcycle. where would you put it? i just got ezpass a few weeks ago, i love it, i wish i had gotten it the day they invented it. one funny thing about it is when you go through a lane that can be either ezpass or cash. the toll booth person obviously doesn't know whether you are gonna pay with cash or ezpass until you roll up beside them. so when i stop for the ezpass to register, there's always an awkward second or two where they lean toward me for the money, but i just stare straight ahead waiting for the bar thing to go up and let me through. when it does i just wave to the person and go.

those toll booth people must hate the ezpass/cash lanes, because they never know if they're getting cash or an ezpass person. it probably already sucks enough to have to work there. you can't even bring a book to read because you'd never get any free time to read it, you're constantly being bugged by cars coming through. never a moment's peace.

one great thing is the random hot girl that works at the toll booth. it's like finding a quarter on the ground; it lifts your spirits, but in reality it means absolutely nothing. you start thinking how could a girl this hot get stuck working here. i almost wanna ask them to get in the car with me.


Anonymous said...

Next time, don't stop. Just slow down a little (whyc an the readers in MA read it at 15 mph, but the ones in NY only at 5 mph?) and drive through. Then there won't be any doubt that you are not paying them cash.

ps. HI

Anonymous said...

how long have I been telling you to get EZ Pass? you freakin idiot.

Cheifet said...

steph don't call me an idiot ... bitch

Anonymous said...

RE: Motorcycles and music : if you look next time you pass a motorcycle, most have mp3 players now.

But back before they were invented, they made helmets with built in radios.

Not many bikers listen to music though, the wind's too loud.

I only know this because my uncle has a harley and a few of my friends in NC have crotch rockets.