Friday, December 29, 2006

xmas lights

you know how people put up christmas lights on their front lawns and on their trees and all? well how do they get the lights all the way up those really big trees? there's a house near me with a tree in front with lights all the way up to the top, and it must be about 50 feet high, no joke. how do they get them up there? i seriously can't think of one single way.

Friday, December 22, 2006


it's kinda funny that i'm doing a blog about religion, since i may be the dumbest person on earth when it comes to the subject. one time i put a eucharist in my jacket pocket at a funeral because i didn't know i was supposed to eat it. then an hour later at the cemetery when someone asked me what i did with it i pulled it out of my pocket. then i proceeded to eat it as dicreetly as possible. i guess that was my jewish side at its finest. one of my funniest and dumbest moments all at once.

anyway, recently i've been thinking about what religion i am. it seems like i should know by now, right? technically, i'm half jewish and half christian, but that doesn't really mean anything. a good friend of mine, let's call her natalie r., always used to preach to me that it's impossible to be half anything when it comes to religion. i tend to agree. so that's out. conventional religion has eluded me.

then there are things like atheism - believing there is no god - and agnosticism - not knowing if there is a god or not. that last one always seems like a copout to me. i mean, no shit we don't know if there's a god, i could've told you that. knowing me though i probably screwed up that definition, even though i did just google it.

but i don't fall into either of those categories either. i say there is a god, but that's all. just, a god. why does he have to be attached to an established religion? can't i just believe in him? what's that called? theism? monotheism? scientology? my cousin, who is actually jewish, now describes himself as "indifferent" to the whole scene. but i don't think that's me. i think about god a lot and why stuff happens the way it does. who knows.

basically, i don't know what i am and i don't know what i'm not. i think i'm just ignorant.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

today and tomorrow

so i'm in the car coming home from work tonight. it's like 1:15am and i'm listening to sports radio. the update guy comes on and talks about the iverson trade. then he says the sixers play their next game tonight. it always surprises me when they say that. it's only 1am. tonight isn't later on today; tonight already happened. i guess it begs the question, when does today become tomorrow?

i always get annoyed by those people who, once it's past midnight and they're talking about tomorrow, say "oh well actually i guess it's today now." oh i get it! it's after midnight, i see what you did there, very clever. to me, the next day doesn't start till you go to sleep and wake up.

but every time i hear that on the radio i also think, is there anyone out there for whom the sixers game actually is "tonight"? at 1am? i mean, is there some guy who's getting up at 12:30am, showering, eating breakfast, driving to work, turning on the radio and hearing the update and thinking"oh hey the sixers play tonight"? and if so, the game won't be on for another 18 hours anyway. and this guy probably goes to sleep at 6pm so he won't even be able to watch it.

even if there are lots of people like this, there are still 100 times more who are still up and have yet to sleep. so basically, radio update guys, put some thought into it next time.