Thursday, November 23, 2006

funeral processions

i don't understand funeral processions. is it really so crucial that everyone get to the cemetery at the same time? is it worth interrupting traffic and inconveniencing hundreds of people along the way? i mean, everyone has directions anyway. i don't get this rule. how did it start anyway? one day people just declared that people going to a funeral have right of way, ignoring all red lights and other drivers? i bet it seemed like a pretty stupid idea when it was first introduced, but somehow it has become accepted in our society.

the other day i saw one going through this huge intersection near me, grant and the boulevard (i always brag about how it's the 3rd most dangerous intersection in the country, although they put those red light cameras up there a year ago, i got caught once, 100 dollar fine, i ran a red light by .03 seconds i think, what a joke). anyway, this one procession was going through, the light turns red, they continue to go. i don't know if the opposing traffic didn't realize what was going on, or just didn't care, but the procession just got totally obliterated. it was great. no accidents or anything, we all just inched our way forward until they slowed down and then we went through them. it was a like a rebellion or something. very surreal. i was glad to be a part of it.

1 comment:

Justine said...

HAHAHA. good job, you guys.