Wednesday, January 16, 2008

fatsos on airplanes

okay so since i was recently in college i heard all kinds of stories like this one. a girl is abroad in europe or wherever and is all set to come home. of course since she is a girl she bought a million clothes and has a million things to pack up and ship home. but they get to the airport and find out that each person only has a certain amount of weight in luggage that they can check. and the story always ends with the girl crying on the phone to her dad about how she had to throw away so much stuff.

but my thought is this. most of these girls probably weigh like 120 pounds at most. and they are limited to two 50-pound bags each. but what if some 350-pound fatso shows up and checks a 20-pound bag? perfectly fine. well that's not right. i think there should be a total overall weight limit. if these airlines are gonna sell tickets to fatsos, why cant a slim person bring on a few hundred pounds of luggage?

with a total weight limit of say, 400 pounds, a fatso of 350 pounds could only bring on 50 pounds of stuff. and if he doesn't like it, too bad, lose some weight lardo. and slim people like me can take on whatever they want.

so in one move, i've solved that luggage weight limit problem, and encouraged fat people to lose weight before flying. so now their gross arm fat doesnt spill over into our space.