Friday, October 19, 2007


when i was a kid we always had this book lying around the house. it was a big book of quotes. famous quotes throughout history, like 'nothing is certain but death and taxes,' and all that. it was always entertaining for about 28 seconds if i got bored.

well i was thinking, how do quotes like that get started? i can understand the ones by authors or whatever, theyre probably just things they had written at some point. but what about someone like thomas edison, he has a bunch of stupid quotes attached to his name. did he just call people to his house one day and say something brilliant and then tell people 'hey that was a quote, write it down and tell everyone else i said it.'

did you have to already be famous to get a quote? i don't see any quotes from regular joes you've never heard of. and who makes the list of official quotes, the kind good enough to get into quote books. if i had a really good quote, how could i get it into a book? i feel like there arent any new quotes coming out lately. the most recent ones are from like 50 years ago.

i think this just goes to prove that people who lived hundreds of years ago were really, really bored.