Tuesday, April 03, 2007


so you know how they put dates on the gallons of milk you buy at the store? well it always says "sell by april 8th," or whatever. well that's all well and good for the people at the store so they know how long to leave it out there, but it doesn't really help you when you're back at home and that gallon is in your fridge.

say you buy one that says 'sell by april 7th.' and you buy it on april 3rd. well if you still have it on april 8th, should you still drink it? or does it go bad on april 7th? probably not, because why would the store still sell it on april 6th if it was just gonna go bad one day later? so in actuality you don't know when it's gonna go bad at all, even though the milk people do. so what they should put on the gallon is "drink by," not "sell by."